Saturday, August 11, 2012



What can you say about one of the most warm, caring, insightful people you could ever meet? Well in a word, Amazing! This woman is a mother 6, has been an asset to her community since 1980 with 13 total years of daycare service, along with her experience in cosmetology, and always seems to pickup the phone at the right time to listen and give life changing advice. For those that know her best, know that she is a very vibrant and enjoyable person. You will be appreciated, laugh and know you will be treated with dignity and respect no matter what walk of life. She has been a giver of herself. She takes pride in everything she does, including making sure she is available for those who need her,as well as taking in crisis children with 24 hour care, flexible rates that works around family income, catering to busy parents schedules as she know is a chore to say the least, with having been a single mom for over 20 years. She has 8 grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. At this time, the family is struggling to keep everything that she has worked so hard for, afloat. Researching information, taking time off work to take her to appointments, even quitting their job and moving in and working 20 hours a day, to make sure that not only Ruthie's health, but her daycare would stay intact.

In June 2005, she was diagnosed with stage 2 Breast cancer. Her bout with breast cancer went into remission by 2006, and was proclaimed CANCER-FREE until 2012!!

After 5 years of remission, earlier this year she was diagnosed in March with stage 2 pancreatic cancer. The doctors said that the tumor was about the size of an orange and rested on a blood vessel which would make surgery difficult but yet not impossible. The doctors put her on a double dose regimen of chemo once a week for 4 months. During the 4 months of chemo, Ruthie stayed healthy and hopeful, and so did the doctors. The doctors continued on their plan and prepared her for surgery scheduled in July. Due to scheduling problems of the surgeon, surgery was pushed up until the end of June. During her last check up, prepping her for her surgery, they found the unbelievable... another tumor the size of a nickel on her liver! How is that possible for cancer to spread during chemo? All plans were halted! Surgery is now NOT an option. The news was devastating! Her cancer diagnoses went from a stage 2 to a stage 4!! New plans were put into works. Another regimen! A triple dose of chemo every 2 weeks in hopes of remission! Not only that, but they told her that she may only make it another year to a year and a half!

With deteriorating memory and motor function from 6 months of chemo, she has still managed to retain her health, appetite, and her hopeful spirit through it all! We refuse to call it over! In our dark times, she has been a beacon of light, the hub of our family.  So we are now looking for other practical treatment options across the US besides chemo. With doctor bills accumulating well over $250k at this time, along with her personal bills and daycare expenses… we are in desperate need of help!! Please help the woman that gives so much of herself to others, with love and support emotionally, financially and spiritually!