Saturday, August 11, 2012



What can you say about one of the most warm, caring, insightful people you could ever meet? Well in a word, Amazing! This woman is a mother 6, has been an asset to her community since 1980 with 13 total years of daycare service, along with her experience in cosmetology, and always seems to pickup the phone at the right time to listen and give life changing advice. For those that know her best, know that she is a very vibrant and enjoyable person. You will be appreciated, laugh and know you will be treated with dignity and respect no matter what walk of life. She has been a giver of herself. She takes pride in everything she does, including making sure she is available for those who need her,as well as taking in crisis children with 24 hour care, flexible rates that works around family income, catering to busy parents schedules as she know is a chore to say the least, with having been a single mom for over 20 years. She has 8 grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. At this time, the family is struggling to keep everything that she has worked so hard for, afloat. Researching information, taking time off work to take her to appointments, even quitting their job and moving in and working 20 hours a day, to make sure that not only Ruthie's health, but her daycare would stay intact.

In June 2005, she was diagnosed with stage 2 Breast cancer. Her bout with breast cancer went into remission by 2006, and was proclaimed CANCER-FREE until 2012!!

After 5 years of remission, earlier this year she was diagnosed in March with stage 2 pancreatic cancer. The doctors said that the tumor was about the size of an orange and rested on a blood vessel which would make surgery difficult but yet not impossible. The doctors put her on a double dose regimen of chemo once a week for 4 months. During the 4 months of chemo, Ruthie stayed healthy and hopeful, and so did the doctors. The doctors continued on their plan and prepared her for surgery scheduled in July. Due to scheduling problems of the surgeon, surgery was pushed up until the end of June. During her last check up, prepping her for her surgery, they found the unbelievable... another tumor the size of a nickel on her liver! How is that possible for cancer to spread during chemo? All plans were halted! Surgery is now NOT an option. The news was devastating! Her cancer diagnoses went from a stage 2 to a stage 4!! New plans were put into works. Another regimen! A triple dose of chemo every 2 weeks in hopes of remission! Not only that, but they told her that she may only make it another year to a year and a half!

With deteriorating memory and motor function from 6 months of chemo, she has still managed to retain her health, appetite, and her hopeful spirit through it all! We refuse to call it over! In our dark times, she has been a beacon of light, the hub of our family.  So we are now looking for other practical treatment options across the US besides chemo. With doctor bills accumulating well over $250k at this time, along with her personal bills and daycare expenses… we are in desperate need of help!! Please help the woman that gives so much of herself to others, with love and support emotionally, financially and spiritually!


  1. We are praying for you in Texas cousin! :) Love you!

  2. Mighty Oak
    © Kathy J Parenteau
    Stand tall oh mighty oak, for all the world to see,
    your strength and undying beauty forever amazes me.
    Though storm clouds hover above you,
    your branches span the sky,
    in search of the radiant sunlight you
    count on to survive.
    When the winds are high and restless and
    you lose a limb or two,
    it only makes you stronger, we
    could learn so much from you.
    Though generations have come and gone
    and brought about such change,
    quietly you've watched them all yet still
    remained the same.
    I only pray God give to me the strength he's
    given you,
    to face each day with hope, whether
    skies are black or blue,
    Life on earth is truly a gift
    every moment we must treasure,
    it's the simple things we take for granted
    that become our ultimate pleasures.

    Source: Mighty Oak, Inspirational Poem

    Ruthie has been the caregiver for my little girl and a very dear friend to me. She is an inspiration. She puts her family and her daycare children first and is always there for those who need help. I wish I could help her more. My one hope is that you will share this with others and maybe through even the smallest of donations we can help her. Thank you.

    1. Thanks Shel, that is a beautiful poem! We appreciate all ur support!

  3. I am praying and sending positive energy for you. You are truly an inspiration and a role model of what a beautiful, kind and courageous woman should be. Words cannot even express how amazing you are and how you always persevere. My best friend, Isha, who I consider my family is such a reflection of how wonderful you are. I love you both with all my heart and I will continue to pray for you and for the entire family who are making amazing sacrifices for you, a woman who has given so much of herself and her love to everyone who enters her life!

    1. Thank you Theresa!! Ur support and friendship is so appreciated!

  4. I remember a time when I called my mom and told her we didn't have any food in the house. (I was thirteen and chunky) she was at work, she said there is peanutbutterand bread, soup and crackers, milk and cereal, there is plenty of food to eat what are you talking about! I said yeah but I don't want that! When my mother came home she had about 10 grocery bags full of food with a tear in her eye, she said help me get these groceries out the car! we were putting away the groceries she was pointing out all the things we already had to eat. I could see she was a bit upset. She said in the most motherly voice"I do the best I can for you children and you call me and say we don't have enough food, can you imagine how that makes me feel. So here you go I spent my last on these groceries now you have plenty of food!" I couldn't imagine then how she must have felt. Now that I'm older there must have been so much going on at that time, but she would never let us know that. One thing I did catch that day is that you give your last for your family, and thoes that you love, and you take care of family no matter what, and to never call mom and tell her we don't have any groceries.

    Love you mom, this short story can't come close to what you have done for me as I've matured into a man. I try to repay you by being someone you can be proud of. I ho,pe this donation helps in the hope that you carry to be with us for as long as possible. Love you!


    1. Thanks lil bro, for sharing. Isnt it funny how as kids we have no idea, and now that were adults, all we can do is appreciate the love and cherish those memories and smile, in hopes that we as parents can meet those standards. Thanks again lil bro, I love u!

  5. One of my many memories...I remember when I was graduating from High School. My graduation was during the day, and everyone had to work. As I sat on stage scouring the crowd, looking for one face that I could recognize, and I seen none. I felt really bad that no one had taken the time out to come see me on my big day. As the class was being dismissed off the stage, I heard a voice calling out to me in the crowd, I looked up and who was it? My Mom! I turned into a big baby and pushed my way through the crowd, eyes full of tears...MOMMY!! I yelled, as she gave me the biggest hug! I'd never miss it honey! NEVER! Squeezing me tight! We both cried! Needless to say she made my whole day. Her being there, took the place in my heart of everyone that could have come. People may think I'm bias because I say she is the "greatest woman in the world", but she is! It has been a blessing to not only have my mom, but to "know" my mom. She is my best friend. We've laughed, cried, danced, celebrated, and worked thru life as a team!

    Mom. I love you more than life itself, and this is a fight that I will stand by you, and for you, until the end of time.

  6. Im so sorry about your Mom, there IS hope though..she is STRONG, as long as she keep the faith and the fight up ..there IS hope! I will be praying for the whole family. Just wanted to share that starting a caring bridge site is an awesome idea, so many people can network that way, people will find the story easier though caring bridge. If you need me to help with anything please just ask, My husband has an IT company and we would be more then willing to help you set anything up. Stay strong xx
